NPS Bible Study “Christian Commitment”
Part 1: Faithful Commitment to a Faithful God
Part 2: The Cross and Our Commitment
Part 3: Totally Committed
Part 4: Being Committed and Devoted
Week 1: Recap and Introduction to Part 3 Totally Committed
Week 2: Totally Committed
Week 3: The Scriptural Meaning of Commitment
Week 4: Total Commitment To God
Week 5: Romans 12:1 - Total Commitment Is Presenting Ourselves As A Living Sacrifice To God
Week 6: Romans 12:2 – Total Commitment Means Being Totally Transformed
Week 7: Romans 12:6 – Total Commitment Means Requiring Different Gifts, According To The Grace
Week 8: Romans 12:8 – Total Commitment Means Serving…Teaching
Week 9: Romans 12:9 – Total Commitment Means To Hate What Is Evil
Week 10: Review Questions and Discussion (Questions 1-4)
Week 11: Review Questions and Discussion (Questions 5-7 / Discussion Question)